Thursday, 24 May 2012

Penampang Harvest Festival 2012

A bit about Penampang

The name Penampang in contemporary usage refers more often to the district, with the town of Donggongon as the main town within the district. Donggongon means 'shelter' or 'rest area' in the native Kadazan language, referring to its historical role as a stop-over for people from the hills who journeyed down the coast for trade.

Penampang is often considered a stronghold of the Kadazan community, and the main centre for their political and cultural development. The Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) community hall hosts many of Kadazan's traditional festivities, chief among them the annual Kaamatan or 'harvest festival', their most important cultural event. [wikipedia]

Penampang Harvest Festival 2012

May is a busy month for the Kadazan, Dusun and Murut ethnic groups,  as this is the month that they celebrate and show appreciation for a bountiful harvest of their staple food -  rice. Similar to all other districts in Sabah, Penampang hold its Pesta Kaamatan (Harvest Festival) annually and this year that happened on 19 May 2012. This year's Kaamatan theme is:

"Kobingginavaan Do Koubasanan Kohodi Sunduvan Di Obingginavo"
"Love for Culture Creates a caring Society"
"Cinta Terhadap kebudayaan Membentuk Masyarakat Penyayang"
(In Kadazan, English and Malay respectively)

Daytime activities : held at District Council football field (near Tun Fuad Stephen Hall)
Evening activities : at Buhavan Square, starting at 7.15pm

Tan Sri Bernard Dompok is seen officiating the event

Penampang district winner of the choir competition

Magavau ritual performed by young lads

Traditional Kadazan dance - The Sumazau

Young Kadazan dancer in full traditional costume

Local singers with one of the Penampang 'Sugandoi' winners.

The peak of the district level harvest festival celebration was marked with the crowning of the 2012 Unduk Ngadau beauty late in the evening. A total of 20 young ladies took part in the competition.

So, let the Unduk Ngadau extravaganza begin....

The ladies introducing themselves

The 10 finalists:

The 10 finalists standing infront of the judges

From 10, now it's down to the two of them. Anxiously waiting for the announcement of the 2012 winner.
'Tarik nafas panjang-panjang, kio'

..and Miss Samantha won it this year.
I think she's got the approval of the crown judging from the thunderous applause from them.

Penampang Unduk Ngadau 2012: Miss Samantha Sharon Laujang


 The top 7 with their prizes

Miss Samantha will represent Penampang district at the state level Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan beauty peagant on 30-31 May 2012 @ Hongkod Koisaan KDCA in Penampang.


gadisBunga™ said...

dah agak samantha tu yg menang. manis kan dia?

*kenapa semua peserta rambutnya macam sama? is it part of the requirements?

Meitzeu said...

Sabah~ Always the beautiful one.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful fairy tale, your photos are beautiful!_

Anonymous said...

I hate to comment, but for your post i am going to give it a try. You've got gained a loyal reader my friend

momto8 said...

oh I love seeing these pictures...very very interesting to me...thank you!!
what beautiful women.

Floyd said...

Meitzeu, Magnus, Anon, Annmarie - thanks guys!

gadisBunga - it's part of the requirements. Hairstyling tu memang trademark utk Kaamatan Harvest Festival queen.