Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan is a beauty pageant unique to the state of Sabah and it is normally held during the closing ceremony of harvest festival celebrations. The picture above shows the final ten of the contestants after going through the preliminary round.

Unduk Ngadau hopefuls invite guests (VIPs in this case) to dance the Sumazau, traditional dance of the ethnic Kadazan

Reigning UNK 2015 making appearance for one last time before passing the baton to the next person.
Here are some of this year's participants:

From the 10 contestants in the second round, 7 were chosen after going through interview in their mother tongue

Last three standing...

...then down to two. 'Senyum dalam debaran' - waiting anxiously at the next words of the Emcee

...and she did it. Miss Sherry Anne waves to the cheering crowd as her name's announced as the winner.

"Congratulation!", says the out going UNK

Crowning by Penampang District Officer, Pn. Luvita Koisun

Full result of the 2016 Penampang Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan contest:-
Unduk Ngadau: Miss Sherry Anne Laujang (representing Kg Ramayah)
1st Runner Up: Miss Fayelina Rudolf Labangka (Penampang Proper)
2nd Runner Up: Miss Carrey Evanne Kim Lee (Kg Koidupan)
Others in the top seven:
Miss Angel Sungkadhamai Motiung
Miss Deborah Wilson
Miss Joyce Liew Mei Ling
Miss Sabrina Tubong

Miss Sherry Anne Laujang is Penampang Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan for 2016

Congratulation to Sherry Anne who will represent Penampang District in the state-level UNK at KDCA hall in Penampang on 30-31 May 2016.
Best of wishes!