Friendly people waiting. |
It is located about 10km off shore and if you prefer a day trip it is practical to do so but I would say spending a night there will be most suitable and recommended. We spent our weekend at Pulau Tiga Resort.
There is another lodging facility called Borneo Survivor Resort but it was still closed at the time of our visit. You can snorkel, swim, kayak on the clear waters or dive if you fancy going down under. Diving course fee is negotiable, too.
There is also the famous natural volcanic mud but that's for the upcoming entry.
Let's go! |
During this time of the year, the sun set on the side of the island where jungle trekking is necessary to reach a useful spot. The less photographic alternative is the jetty in front of Sabah Parks facilities. It is a sturdy structure and you can set your tripod on it and not to worry about vibration.
Sabah Parks jetty
I just love sunsets! |
The red ball before it took a plunge into the horizon. |
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Taken after the sun has fully set.